HeadworX News
Current HeadworX news since March 2010 can be found on HeadworX Publisher Mark Pirie's blog site.
Website updates
- March/April 2022
- Added information about The Ballad of the Triple Track: New Poems, made it the "latest release", added it to the Shop page, and updated Michael O'Leary's profile.
- September/October 2021
- Added information about Meditations and updated Alex Jeune's profile.
- May/June 2021
- Added information about Cat Poems and updated Margaret Jeune's profile.
- Added information about Slips: Cricket Poems, made it the "latest release" and updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- Added information about The Narrator, added it to the Shop page, made it the "latest release" and updated Jeanne Bernhardt's profile.
- January/February 2021
- Added information about Selected Poems, added it to the Shop page, made it the "latest release" and updated Margaret Jeune's profile.
- Added Three Poets and Yellow Moon | E Marama Rengarenga to the Shop page
- March/April 2020
- Added information about Three Poets, added Alex Jeune's and Marion Rego's profiles, and updated Margaret Jeune's profile.
- Added information about Yellow Moon | E Marama Rengarenga, and added Mary Maringikura Campbell's profile.
- November/December 2019
- Added information about The Wanderer, and updated Ron Riddell's profile.
- July/August 2019
- Added information about 2019 Winter Readings
- Added information about My Sketchbook, and updated Margaret Webb's profile.
- January/February 2019
- Added information about The Presence of Love: Poems Selected and New and added Michael Duffett's profile.
- Added information about Flight Paths, made it the latest release and added Margaret Jeune's profile.
- Added information about Upbeat, and added Margaret Webb's profile.
- September/Octopber 2017
- Added information about Sidelights and made it the latest release
- Added information about On Edge and added Damian Ruth's profile.
- July/August 2017
- Added information about Boots: A Selection of Football Poetry 1890-2017
- Added information about 2017 Winter Readings
- May/June 2017
- Added additional links to Shop page
- Added footer with social media buttons
- March/April 2017
- Added new Shop page
- Added information about Collected Poems 1981-2016 and updated Michael O'Leary's profile.
- Removed all 13 PDF copies of books.
- Updated introductory statement on home page and removed Australian distributor from Contact page.
- Website layout and styles facelift.
- Delete old HeadworX news items (2005 to 2010).
- July/August 2016
- Added information about Aboriginal to Nowhere and added Brentley Frazer's profile.
- Added information about Songs of the City and updated MaryJane Thomson's profile.
- Added information about 2016 Winter Readings
- September/October 2015
- Added information about Main Trunk Lines: Collected Railway Poems and updated Michael O'Leary's profile.
- July/August 2014
- Added information about A Clearer View of the Hinterland: Poems & Sequences 1981-2014 and updated Jack Ross's profile.
- Added information about Whistling in the Dark and updated John O'Connor's profile.
- May/June 2014
- Added information about Fallen Grace and added MaryJane Thomson's profile.
- November/December 2013
- Added information about Polynesian Legends and added A. Stanley Sherratt's profile.
- May/June 2013
- Added information about Aspects of Reality and added John O'Connor's profile.
- November/December 2012
- Added information about King Willow: Selected Poems.
- Added information about Old Hat: A Book of Triolets.
- January/February 2012
- Added information about Out of It: A Novel Cricket Novel and updated Michael O'Leary's profile.
- January/February 2011
- Removed Broadsheet from the HeadworX site.
- Added information about The Corrosion Zone and added Barbara Strang's profile.
- Updated the homepage and submission guidelines page to say submissions are not currently being accepted.
- Added photo to F W N Wright's profile
- Added information about in vitro and added Laura Solomon's profile.
- November/December 2010
- Added issue 6 to the Broadsheet section.
- Removed Mark Pirie's bibliography from his profile page, and moved details about non-HeadworX books he's written to his new personal website, markpirie.com.
- July/August 2010
- Added information about Viet Nam: A Poem Journey and updated Jenny Powell's profile.
- Added information about A Tingling Catch and updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- Updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- May/June 2010
- Added information about The Pop Artist's Garland: Selected Poems 1952-2009
and added F W N Wright's profile.
- Added issue 5 to the Broadsheet section.
- January/Febuary 2010
- Added information about Goya Rules
and updated Harvey McQueen's profile.
- Added information about No Boat May Allow Drowning to Vanish: New Poems
and updated Basim Furat's profile.
- Updated Stephen Oliver's profile.
- November/December 2009
- Added issue 4 to the Broadsheet section.
- May/June 2009
- Added issue 3 to the Broadsheet section.
- July/August 2008
- Added information about Trespassing in Dionysia: Uncollected Early Poems 1993-1997 and Bottle of Armour:
Early Poems/Lyrics 1992-1993, and updated Mark Pirie
- Added information about Paneta Street
and updated Michael O'Leary's profile.
- Added information about My Iron Spine and
updated Helen Rickerby's profile.
- May/June 2008
- Added information about 2008 Winter Readings
- Added information about It's Love, Isn't It? The Love Poems,
added author profile for Meg Campbell
and updated Alistair Te Ariki Campbell's profile.
- Added new Broadsheet section and issue 1
- January/February 2008
- Added information about JAAM 25
- Novemeber/December 2007
- Added information about Private Detective and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about Dream Boat: Selected Poems
and updated Tony Beyer's profile.
- Added information about Speaking in Tongues
and updated L E Scott's profile.
- July/August 2007
- Added information about JAAM 24
- Updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about All Blacks' Kitchen Gardens
and updated Tim Jones' profile.
- Added information about Just Poetry, made
it the latest release, and added Alistair Te Ariki Campbell's profile.
- Added information about 2007 Winter Readings
- Added information about The Search and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- November/December 2006
- Added information about Sounds of Sonnets,
made it the latest release, and updated Michael O'Leary
and Mark Pirie profiles.
- September/October 2006
- Made Overnight Downpour the latest release,
and updated the links page.
- Added cover images for Self-Titled and Overnight Downpour,
and made Self-Titled the latest release.
- July/August 2006
- Added information about Self-Titled, and added Tony Chad's
- Added information about Overnight Downpour,
and added Andrew Fagan's profile.
- Updated the Winter Readings page for 2006
- January/February 2006
- Added information about Wellington Fool
- Various minor edits throughout site
- Added information about World Words, and
made it the latest release
- Added profiles for T M Schaefer,
Kevin Cudby and Catherine Boyle
- November/December 2005
- Added cover image of Suchness: zen poetry and prose,
and made it the latest release
- Added information about Mahones, and updated Michael O'Leary and
Mark Pirie profiles.
- September/October 2005
- Added information about Suchness: zen poetry and prose, and
added Richard von Sturmer's profile.
- Added information about Daymoon, and added
Robin Fry's profile.
- Added information about Your Secret Life,
and updated Harry Ricketts's profile.
- July/August 2005
- Updated Winter Readings info
- Updated links page
- Added information about JAAM 23
- Added information about London Notebook, and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- May/June 2005
- Added cover images for The Second Wellington International Poetry Festival Anthology,
Natural Anthem, Nefarious
and Make Love and War, and make the latter the latest release.
- Updated the JAAM submission address.
- Updated the submission guidelines.
- Updated the About JAAM page.
- Updated the contact phone number page.
- Added information about JAAM 22.
- Added new "events" section with information about the Winter Readings.
- Updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about Blues For Sam,
and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about The Bet, and updated
Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about The Angel Bus, and
updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about The Rose and Other Poems,
and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about Poems for Poets,
and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about Two Poems, and updated
Mark Pirie profile.
- Updated Harvey McQueen's photo.
- January/February 2005
- Added a couple of links to the links page.
- Added information about Make Love and War
and updated Michael O'Leary's profile.
- Added information about Giving Poetry a Bad Name and updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- November/December 2004
- Added a somewhat cryptic paragraph to Stephen Oliver's
profile, as requested by the author...
- Added information about Nefarious and updated
Vivienne Plumb's profile.
- Added cover image for Four French Horns
and made it the latest copy
- Added various links to the links page, and updated the
manuscript statement on the front page.
- September/October 2004
- Added information about The Second Wellington International Poetry Festival Anthology,
updated profiles for Ron Riddell,
Saray Torres and updated Mark Pirie
- Minor edits to Here and There: A Selection
- Added information about Four French Horns
and updated Jenny Powell-Chalmers'
- July/August 2004
- Added information about Here and There: A Selection
and added Basim Furat's profile.
- May/June 2004
- Added PDF copies of Salamanca, Nothing to Declare
and The Century.
- Changed EYESIS email link on contact page to a link
to the webform on the EYESIS site.
- March/April 2004
- Added PDF copies of Extreme Weather Events,
Earth Colours, Rhyme Before Reason,
Abstract Internal Furniture,
Boat People, Chantal's Book
Our Bay of Ensigns and Toku Tinihanga
- Added information about Natural Anthem and
added Leonard Lambert's profile.
- Added information about Over The Waters
and added Moshé Liba's profile.
- Added information about Recessional and
updated Harvey McQueen's profile.
- Added information about Bullet Poems and updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- Made JAAM 21 "Greatest Hits" the Latest Release.
- January/Febuary 2004
- Updated author photos for Jenny Powell-Chalmers,
Tony Beyer and Scott Kendrick.
- Added information about JAAM 21 "Greatest Hits"
- November/December 2003
- Updated Mark Pirie's profile
- Added information about JAAM 20
- September/October 2003
- Updated Stephen Oliver's profile
- Added information about The First Wellington International Poetry Festival Anthology (and made it the latest release), added profiles for
Ron Riddell and Saray Torres,
and updated Mark Pirie profile
- Altered formatting of sample poems for The Year Nothing and Summer on the Cote d'Azur
- Added cover image of The Year Nothing,
and made it the latest release
- July/August 2003
- Added David Howard's photo
- Added cover image of How to Occupy Ourselves,
and made it the latest release
- Added information about Summer on the Côte d'Azur
and added Alistair Paterson's profile.
- Added information about Gallery: A Selection and updated Mark Pirie profile.
- Added information about The Year Nothing
and added Paul Hardacre's profile.
- May/June 2003
- Added or replaced photos of Toku Tinihanga (Self Deception),
Maketu, The Ballad of Fifty-one,
Michael O'Leary and Mark Pirie.
- Made Toku Tinihanga (Self Deception) the latest release on the front page.
- Added information about Dumber.
- Added information about JAAM 19.
- March/April 2003
- Added reviews of Michael O'Leary's previous
book to Toku Tinihanga (Self Deception)
- Added information about How to Occupy Ourselves
and added David Howard &
Fiona Pardington's profiles.
- January/February 2003
- Added information about Toku Tinihanga (Self Deception)
and added Michael O'Leary's profile.
- Added information about Maketu and
added Terry Locke's profile.
- Added information about The Ballad of Fifty-one
and added Bill Sewell's profile.
- November/December 2002
- Added information about JAAM 18.
- Added information about Chantal's Book and added
Jack Ross's profile.
- Added information about Swing and updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- August 2002
- Added bibilography to Mark Pirie profile.
- Added a couple of links to the links page.
- Added cover images of and
Boat People, and made the latter the front page
latest release.
- Replaced photo of Mark Pirie, and amended news item about
Simon Williamson.
- July 2002
- Added information about Storyteller and
added Simon Williamson's profile.
- Added information about Boat People and updated
Tim Jones' profile.
- June 2002
- Updated Stephen Oliver's profile.
- May 2002
- Added information about JAAM 17.
- March 2002
- Added information [email protected]("the snow poems/your self of lost ground", "snow", "poetry"),
made it the latest release, and updated Jeanne Bernhardt's profile.
- Added information about Reading the Will, and updated
Mark Pirie profile.
- November/December 2001
- Added information about The Blues, and updated Mark Pirie's profile.
- Added information about Night of Warehouses,
made it the latest release, and updated Stephen Oliver's
- Added contents page of JAAM 16.
- Removed the FlyingPig links from each book detail page, as they've now gone bust.
- September/October 2001
- Added information about Our Bay of Ensigns,
and made it the latest release.
- July/August 2001
- Added information about Abstract Internal Furniture,
and made it the latest release.
- Added links from each book detail page to FlyingPig.co.nz, to enable visitors
to buy the books online.
- May/June 2001
- Added information about No Joke, and updated Mark Pirie's profile;
- Added contents page of JAAM 15;
- Added information about Rhyme Before Reason,
and made it the latest release;
- Added information about Extreme Weather Events.
- October/November 2000
- Added information about Hats, and made it the
latest release;
- Added information about JAAM 14.
- August/September 2000
- Added information about Talking Pictures,
and made it the latest release.
- June/July 2000
- Added Reviews to JAAM 10 and JAAM 13 contents pages;
- Minor corrections throughout site;
- Added submission guidelines to contact area;
- Replaced Diary with Earth Colours as latest release.