Alistair Paterson

Alistair Paterson

Alistair Paterson, a noted poet, fiction writer, editor and critic, is a former tertiary educator and naval Lieutenant Commander. In 1993 he won the Katherine Mansfield Short Story Award and earlier Auckland Univesity's John Cowie Reid Memorial Award for longer poems. He has three times visited America (initially as a Fulbright Fellow) where he has read and talked about New Zealand poetry.

List of Publications


How to be a Millionaire by Next Wednesday


Odysseus Rex
Incantations for Warriors
The Toledo Room
Cities and Strangers
Birds Flying
Caves in the Hills
Summer on the Côte d'Azur (HeadworX, 2003)


The New Poetry

As Editor

Poetry NZ issues 8-27 and on-going
Short Stories from New Zealand
Climate, a literary journal, issues 28-32
Mate, a literary journal, issues 22-27
Fifteen Contemporary New Zealand Poets
Garrett on Education
Mini anthology in New Directions, NY